by Lauren
(New Jersey)
I have just learned about the benefits from the hive and absolutley love your website. You take the time to consider all the questions people will have and answer them thoughtfully. But my one major question is: How much do I need to take? Should I be consuming everything from the bee pollen and raw honey to royal jelly and propolis? Should I pick just one? Which is the best to choose?
I want to buy some products from your site but I know I can't buy everything. Which do you suggest I buy?
First, I want the benefits of added energy! I work nights 3 nights a week so my schedule is crazy. I also go to school for nursing and have a 3 year old who keeps me busy. My house is a mess because I'd rather sleep than clean and do laundry.
I've heard about the skin benefits too. I currently use ProActiv, which is very harsh on my skin. It has worked to reduce my acne but I would prefer something milder.
I am not looking to lose too much weight but would love a healthier lifestyle. I just want to best combination of products to add to my daily life to get the best benefits.
Thanks so much for taking the time to answer my questions.
Angela's Response:
Hi Lauren,
So glad you found me! Thank you for your kind comments about Bee Pollen Buzz. Based on what you've told me about your health and current lifestyle, I'd recommend starting out with bee pollen. Energy, weight loss and skin health are all issues bee pollen can help with. Follow my directions in How to Take Bee Pollen and begin with that. I generally recommend only starting out with one product at a time. But, once you've safely added to bee pollen to your daily regimen, it is very common to add a second or third product from the hive. In your case with your skin issues I'd recommend that be royal jelly. Royal Jelly is excellent for the skin and it is also showing in studies the ability to boost the metabolism and energy levels.
Let me know if you have any more questions!
Bee healthy ~ Angela