Time to see results?

by Rhonda Farber
(Ocala, FL)

How long after beginning a bee pollen and natural, raw honey - native to my area in Florida -regime will it take for me to begin seeing positive results of my new get healthy the natural way program?

I began taking 2 teaspoons of native bee pollen daily, along with using native raw honey for about two weeks. My dosage of the raw honey is approximately 2 Tablespoons daily.

I began this regiment to try to get a natural grip on my "hayfever" allergies. I haven't seen noticable results yet. I know everyone body is different, however can you give me a "window" or a suggestion for an increased dosage. I have NOT experienced any of the side effects you have listed on your site. Which, by the way is exceptional and EXTREMELY informative.

I look forward to hearing from you or your forum members.

Thank you so much,
Rhonda Farber
Ocala, FL

Angela's Comments:

Hi Rhonda,
Great questions. You are correct in that it really varies from person to person. Unfortunately, the studies that have been done on honey and pollen use for allergies don't state how quickly results were obtained. It has been my experience that one needs to give the process at least one full month and usually more, often up to several months. I also often see better results in the second full allergy season of consuming bee pollen and raw honey so it appears that it may take the body some time to develop an immunity to the local pollens.
With regards to your doseage - you are taking what I would say is a perfect amount. In most cases, taking more doesn't speed up the process or improve results so I would be patient.
I'd also recommend considering experimenting with your nutrition. I often find that when people cut out all dairy and gluten that their allergies improve substantially.


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Apr 18, 2011
Thank you!!
by: Rhonda Farber

Angela, thank you for the quick response. I am amazed at the wonders of bee pollen. I have heard of it for years, though was a bit skeptical. Through research and fact gathering, I have found so many natural remedies really are remarkable.

I will continue to use the bee pollen and native honey along with other additions and deletions to and from my diet!

You're so welcome Rhonda! So glad to hear it!

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