Taking Royal jelly internally problem.

by Joy
(Los Angeles)

I have read numerous places that Royal Jelly taken orally is destroyed by our stomach enzymes therefor best taken sublingually, rectally or vaginally to bypass the stomachs digestive juices. So why do many places still sell in capsule form. I'm confused.

Angela's Comments:

Hi Joy,
I'm not sure where this info is coming from or how reputable it is when you consider that royal jelly has been taken for years and years by millions of people orally with great success. If what you have read was true, then royal jelly would not be sold in capsule or powder form as it simply wouldn't get people results and the product would ultimately fade in popularity.

Bee healthy,

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Mar 18, 2015
Bad Answer Angela
by: Anonymous

The average consumer doesn't know if something is working or not, so your suggestion that if it doesn't work then it would 'fade in popularity' is a bit nonsensical. Your website admits(and is right to do so)that royal jelly expires when it isn't kept cold, yet TONs of stores sell it on their shelves, in summer, in winter with high indoor heat, etc. What is correct means nothing to a business, what people will buy is an entirely different matter. It would have been nice to have a proper answer on the matter of being destroyed by the stomach, by a reputable source, but it seems we're not so lucky.

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