stomachache and vomiting

by Ini

I got a bad stomachache and vomiting after taking a teaspoon of royal jelly why is it happening and my second question is the royal jelly i purchased is sweet in taste and have a yellow color like honey is it authentic or not??

Angela's comments:

It is difficult to know for sure but most likely you are experiencing an allergic reaction. Royal Jelly is not usually sweet in taste so something sounds suspicious there. Sounds like the maker of the product mixed it with honey.


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May 24, 2023
Stomach Pain with royal helly
by: Carol P-H

Received my first shipment of Royal Jelly. I had a small meal beforehand. Took 1/5 teaspoon of Royal Jelly per dosage instructions on the bottle. Sort of burned the back of my throat. Within a few minutes developed gradually increasing pain and bloating in my stomach. Extremely full feeling, extremely painful. Pain radiated out across top of my abdomen and eventually around my mid-back. Had episodes of rapid breathing. Started getting dressed thinking I would need to go to the emergency room. After about an hour and a prayer, discomfort gradually subsided completely. The whole episode took about an hour. I felt normal again and did not go to emergency room. Years ago I took 350 mg royal jelly capsules with no problem. I did not realize this time I was taking 1,100 mg in that 1/5 teaspoon, or that I would have a reaction. Instructions did not say to start with smaller dose. My husband also took it with essentially no reaction even though he has asthma. Lesson learned - start small, research more.

Nov 24, 2020
Intolerância ou alergia ao mel
by: Lemuel

Boa Noite, ao consumir mel, depois de 4 a 5 horas tenho enjôo, e vômito incontrolável, aumento de pressão, não sinto dor, mas enquanto não terminar de vomitar não melhoro.
Isso acontece toda vê que como mel, seja in natura, em xarope, etc.
A intensidade dos sintomas varia de acordo com a quantidade ingerida.

Mar 02, 2016
I also take royal jelly for fertility
by: Anonymous

I take royal jelly once daily after meal.

But I felt that my stomach is always aching, like I'm always hungry or like it's acidic feel.

Should I try to continue to take the royal jelly?

But I have to take this for fertility. Do you have other way?

Angela's Comments:

I would recommend stopping the royal jelly and observing if your symptoms go away or not. If they do, you have your answer.

May 04, 2015
got sick after taking royal jelly capsule
by: sandy

I started taking the capsule royal jelly 5 days ago...the last 2 days including today the second day. ..I have thrown up about 20 to 30 minutes later. I guess that's my clue today not to take this anymore which im not.
I took my meds eat a little something and drink a glass of water...then got sick ...both last 2 days
Disappointed because I wanted the energy affect from it.

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by Clara Wuu

I have just started to take a small portion of a teaspoon of royal jelly empty stomach in the morning but experience gastric pain and discomfort.

Should I have some food first instead of empty stomach when taking royal jelly?


Yes, try taking it with some food. Also, cut how much you're taking in half. If the pain continues, discontinue using this royal jelly.


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does royal jelly cuase upset stomach?

by alex

I sometimes get upset stomach from honey, just wondering if its common with royal jelly as well.

Angela's Comments:

Hi Alex,
It is not common with royal jelly but certainly possible. If you are going to try royal jelly, start with very, very small amounts and work up from there if you don't experience stomach issues.

Honey shouldn't bother your stomach. If it is, it could be a low quality honey. Try an unpasteurized, unfiltered raw honey and see if the extra enzymes in the product don't help you out. In fact, raw honey has been shown to help with many stomach ailments.

Bee healthy ~ Angela

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Apr 05, 2018
Diana royal jelly capsule 600mg with 410g of wheatgem
by: Vivi

Can I take royal jelly capsule on an empty stomach or with good?

Mar 15, 2018
stomach aches from honey
by: Anonymous

I also gets stomachaches after taking in honey and it's also happens when I take royal jelly.
So I think it is an allergy from bee.

May 02, 2016
stomach pain
by: fp

I just started taking the Royal Jelly 3 x concentrate 3 days ago, taking 1/4 tsp. The first 2 days I took after breakfast and right away felt a slight itching in my throat but that went away then I felt sharp pains and discomfort in my stomach and felt almost sluggish. That all passed in about 30 minutes. Today I took it on an empty stomach same reaction. Do you think that I should just not take this?
Thank you

Angela's Comments:

Yes, this sounds like an allergic reaction to me. Stop taking it for one week. Then try to reintroduce it into your diet by beginning with 1/16 of a tsp. If you observe no symptoms, increase your dose to 1/8 tsp the next day. Again, if no issues occur, work up to 1/4 tsp daily. If symptoms do reoccur, It would be my opinion that you are allergic to royal jelly.

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Vomiting when taking royal jelly?

by shawn
(lake charles,la)

I started taking royal jelly yesterday morning for fertility and when I took it yesterday in the morning I vomited right after but when I took the night dose I had no reaction then when taken again this morning I vomited again. Should I eat before my morning dose or stop taking it all together?

Angela's Comments:

Yes, I would try eating first but back your dose way down. At least cut it in half before doing so. If you continue to vomit, I would discontinue use. Are you experiencing any other symptoms?


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Jul 31, 2016
Daughter Vomiting right after Royal Jelly
by: Anonymous

My 5 year old daughter has vomited severely right after I gave her a teaspoonful of Royal Jelly in honey. The first time I gave it to her I thought she was sick with a stomach bug but the second time she vomited right after I gave her the Royal jelly, I realized that it was the Royal Jelly that caused her to vomit. Why would it cause her to vomit? I have given it also to my eight year old and she was fine.

Angela's Comments:

Difficult to say but chances are she is allergic or very sensitive to the royal jelly.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

Disclaimer: The information on Bee is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Angela Ysseldyk and her community. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified heath care professional.

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