Propolis as an antibiotic for my cat?

How many drops and days do I give to, my 5 lb cat and is the alcohol based drops ok?

Angela's comments:

One or two drops and yes, the alcohol based tincture is ok in this dose.

Bee healthy,

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Feb 05, 2025
Bee wax-propolis
by: Koska

@Jeanne..thank you for your info. Can you remember the brand of propolis? Did it have alcohol?

Feb 03, 2023
2 year old cat, chronic sneezing
by: Anonymous

So I have this 2 year old beautiful rescue boy.. didn't have the best start in life. Every spring and fall it seems he is the sneezer. His eyes don't water and he eats/drinks just fine. I've tried an antibiotic for a URI [but that wasn't it] and I've tried benadryl. Then I came across Propolis. My question is, would this help him? he has a drippy nose sometimes and even though the sneezing isn't bad, I would like to help his immune system. His sister is also here, she does not have this problem but SHE has a lot of different allergies as well.

Jul 12, 2022
Oral lump
by: Anonymous

If it is a lump on the inside of the mouth it could be stomatitis my cat had this and had it removed by the vets and was put on a steroid and it just grew back and grew bigger. I researched and found that I needed to put her on hundred percent meat no plant based biscuits. In a few weeks the lump shrunk she's never had one since, and hasn't needed to go to the vet in the last 3 years

Jun 14, 2022
My cat has an abscess
by: Dawn

Thank you for your information. My cat seems to have an abscess, certainly a lump on one side of her jaw. She is still eating but hasn't been quite her usual self as it is starting to really bother her. If i take her to the vets it will take me weeks to fix the problems whatever they give her it causes and she is too old for that (16) otherwise she is fit and healthy. I am definitely going to try Bee Propolis as soon as possible. Thank you

Apr 05, 2022
Bee Propolis Treats Abscesses in Cats
by: Jeanne

My cat, Callie, developed abscesses on either side of her mouth as a result of vaccinations.

After extensive research, I came upon a website that sold bee propolis extracts, but also contained articles written by the national institutes of health that stated that bee propolis as an antibiotic and an antiviral medicine, can be used to treat abscesses in animals. The site had no extracts without alcohol, which is critical. Cats cannot have alcohol in any form. Nonetheless I had no time to wait for an order from the Midwest. Callie’s life was in danger, as she had refused any food or water for two days. I found bee propolis capsules at my health food store.

My first priority was to administer fluids to Callie via a syringe (to counteract dehydration and encourage eating). Please note that I viewed videos on how to do this properly, because improper administration would have put fluid into her lungs.

She began eating a day later. I broke one propolis capsule into each serving of wet food, as there’s no dosage that can become toxic. The abscesses began to scab up in three days and were gone in seven. I continued treatment for a total of 10 days, as directed, just in case any bacteria lingered in her system.

Bee propolis and divine guidance saved Callie’s life. (Never forget the power of prayer to guide you to the best remedy for a sick cat whom you love with all your being.)

Sep 03, 2021
Organic/ Bio ACV - Apple Cider Vinegar with "the mother"
by: Valentina

I haven't used bee propolis or bee pollen on my cats and dogs but I'll definitely give them a try. I take bee products all the time and they're a God gift !

Here I want to share my experience using organic/ bio apple cider vinegar (ACV) for all kinds of infections. I dilute the ACV with water - 50 % to 50 % and put this liquid topically or on the whole coat - you should avoid the head and the throat because they're very sensitive. If the problem is on the ears, nose or mouth you can put a small amount of this liquid - ACV + water keeping the eyes. After this procedure the cats are licking their fur so you don't have to give ACV with their food. If the problem is very harsh - virus or parasite infection, cold, hair loss ... you should give also 1 teaspoon with wet food and because of the acid taste if the cat doesn't want to eat the food you can add salmon oil, olive oil, tasty dry food, broth ... the things you know he or she loves.
You can also use coconut oil the same - on cat's coat and a small amount in food. It's really important to use homemade/ organic/ bio apple cider vinegar preferably the one with "the mother".

I myself take ACV and give it to my pets (3 cats + 3 dogs) every day because prevention is better than managing a health problem. They're in perfect condition now. My oldest cat (12 years old) had intestinal problem and loose stools. The vet did blood tests and said there's an infection and a liver problem which I'd already supposed. When I started the detox for her - ACV, spirulina powder (which is for healthy immune function), probiotics, salmon oil, beet root pulp and pineapple (which is high in vit.C and contains bromelain) I cleared the toxins and the cat recovered. The other cat had urinary tract problems from time to time and I healed her again with ACV and coconut oil.

I really believe that antibiotics isn't the only solution and in most cases the don't solve the root problem. We should use natural ways because in nature there's a solution for any problem.

Oct 02, 2020
Correction: **feral**
by: Anonymous

**feral** (not Farrell)

Oct 01, 2020
Feral With An Abscesd
by: Ken

I have the same exact problem as the July 27 post. I have a Farrell who lives on my porch who has a nasty abscess on her hind leg. It has filled up and drained twice now. I was wondering if there is a natural antibiotic I can put in her food or water to help fight the infection. Thank you for any input! :-)

Jul 27, 2020
Help for a street cat
by: Anonymous

Hi, Looking for a solution for a street cat that has a nasty abcess that has burst, leaving an open wound. At a distance I sent a photo of the wound to a vet who feels the above is the issue. I feed the cat regularly but it will not allow itself to be caught. Therefore, it is not possible to take it to the vet. I was hoping there is a natural solution I can add to its food. Traditional antibiotics need to be administered consistently which may not be possible if the cat doesn't show up one day. I feel my hands are tied so am hoping to strengthen the cat so it can heal itself. I know it's a long shot but I can't think of another solution. Your input is greatly suggested. A street cat's life presents so many issues that domesticated cats don't experience.
Sad situation.

Mar 10, 2020
Instead of Clavamox
by: Gloria

My male kitty is going on 4 years old, weighs 19.1 lbs., and yesterday was his first day that I gave him Clamavox antibiotic pill twice with his wet food. One in the morning and one in the evening.

This morning he lost appetite to eat! So unusual of him.

How many drops of Propolis do I administer in his bowl of water and or wet food, also for how many days?

The Vet thinks some cat may have sneezed close by.

My kitty temperature, his heart beat, his lungs, and his stomach were found normal.

Oct 19, 2019
Cat Flea Dermatitis
by: Carolyn


I have an adult female cat, about 10 pounds and she has flea dermatitis. She is scratching and locking and biting her skin, and has skin sores and hair loss.

Which topical Bee Pollen Buzz or Bee Propolis product is safe to use on my her skin, as with her licking these areas she will consume it? Also, will this product heal her rash and bumpy areas around her neck and face as well? Will it help her fur grow back?


May 06, 2019
Manuka honey + Proplis applications
by: Anonymous

Manuka honey applied directly to (even/especially) to antibiotic resistant sores & wounds works incredibly well...

Using on a cat is another matter altogether..too many unknowns..and the can't tell you when /what/etc..

Medi-Honey should be covered with a guage bandage and changed every two days..I am using this method.. but covering the honey with a coating if Propolis powder (to reduce the stickiness if the but haven't seen the benefits as with even the worst human skin sores???

Apr 29, 2019
Propolis.. & Honey?
by: Sir Vertu

14+yr old female Calico has a (visible) sore under rt.arm with a lump in lymph node.. She has been periodically scratching & increased grooming.. Recent addition of a few small dry 'dandruff' type areas (located on lower back).. Increased lethargy & slightly decreased appetite.
Initially, Veterinarian gave her an antibiotic injection, no significant improvement..
Successfully added PROPOLIS (powder) to wet food over last 4 days. Cleaned 'sore' & applied Me do-Honey (Manuka) + propolis 'cover'..Any suggestions/guidance is GREATLY APPRECIATED..THANK YOU..

Oct 29, 2018
Propolis as immune booster?
by: Suzi

How safe is it to use propolis tincture as an immune booster?

I am asking for our rescue cat.

We have had her for 2 years. She arrived with clear lungs but a nasty (outer) ear infection. She had by then already had several antibiotics courses, we saw on her chart.

Right now, at age 4, the infection is back and we think stress plays a large role. The vet says this is a bacterial infection with bacteria that we all have naturally and that we usually fight off with our immune system. Similar to a staph infection or a cold sore that plays up when our immune system has taken a hit.

We used to have a senior cat of 19, who died last month and I have been very depressed and sad because of this loss. I even had to break the cycle of sorrow by taking a short break abroad. I am doing better now, but it seems our rescue is not. In the 2 weeks I was gone and my husband cared for her, she turned out to have this infection.

I wonder how much of this has to do with mourning. Even though my now deceased cat and the rescue were not friends, they tolerated each other and I wonder if our rescue misses her or picks up on our emotions.

We initially brought her into the vet's to check on her dry cough, a good 3 weeks ago. Lungs clear, but ear infected with a bacteria that is resistent to most, but the most horrible antibiotics. Red irritation and pus deep in the ear. She got an initial broad spectrum injection and later tablets for this specific strain of bacteria. She has now finished her course but still sneezes (clear fluids) and can hardly pur because of the fluid in her nasal passage. It might be side-effects or just too much antibiotics over a short period of time. I am worried!

I use raw propolis bits on myself. Get it from a local beekeeper - I chew it to help with my mouth hygiene. It is like gum and after the gummyness is gone, I spit it out. Some of it I swallow and I tell myself it is good for my immune system. Wondering if I can use an alcohol based tincture on our rescue on a daily basis. She weighs 7 lbs so is very little.

The main problem of our rescue is that she was born and grew up in a hoarder's house. So she had a terrible "kitten-hood". It turned her into a very insecure and scared creature. After 2 years she now trusts us, but tolerates little when it comes to things like ear drops and taking pills. She will drool from stress and will twitch when we have to administer medication. So now that we are done, we are trying to love and care for her to make her more at ease. Would propolis help us get her back on a healthy track with a better immune system that can fight off the bacteria?

We are quite desperate so all help is welcome!

Oct 08, 2018
cat teethe absess
by: Anonymous

my cat is 10 years old angora white hair, recently since about 2 months he got an infection in his mouth / teeth
and the doctor gave him anti-biotic on 7 days and vitamins.
he slightly improved but still suffering and he cannot eat I m feeding him soft creamy food by siring in his mouth
there is a bad strong smell from his mouth because of saliva, and his hair color on his face and hands became brownish because of saliva.

yesterday the doctor told me the last chance to relief is to give him Propolis drop.

please adise me what to do. ???
my email address:


Oct 08, 2018
cat teethe absess
by: Anonymous

my cat is 10 years old angora white hair, recently since about 2 months he got an infection in his mouth / teeth
and the doctor gave him anti-biotic on 7 days and vitamins.
he slightly improved but still suffering and he cannot eat I m feeding him soft creamy food by siring in his mouth
there is a bad strong smell from his mouth because of saliva, and his hair color on his face and hands became brownish because of saliva.

yesterday the doctor told me the last chance to relief is to give him Propolis drop.

please adise me what to do. ???

Nov 15, 2017
Bee proposes dosage for cats
by: Kathy

1 or 2 drops of the tincture w/alcohol....How many times per day and how many days do i continue to give ?
Thank You !

Jul 02, 2017
Cat Oral Ulcers
by: Sarah

Hello! I have a 12 lb kitty who has developed two oral lesions/ulcers. The vet has recommended extracting his teeth. However, we live in the country and I feel like he needs them, if they can be saved. I've read that propolis can help with the ulcers. Can you please tell me the best way to administer this to him? Would you recommend it? Thanks!

Angela's comments:

Simply squirt a liquid propolis tincture directly into his mouth or mix it into his food.

Jun 26, 2017
Propolis dose for kittens
by: Maria

Hi and thank you for your wonderful information!

I am writing you from Greece. I have found 4 kittens on the street, less than 2 months old. One of them has an eye ready to come out. The vet doctor gave her many antibiotics and soon needs operation.
The other 3 have infection on the eyes, yellow liquids and they sneeze. First day I put apple cider vinegar to their neck and shoulders. Second day vinegar and homeopathic pills. No results. Third day (today) I put 1ml of water with 2 drops of propolis alcohol tincture. They jumped like crazy. They didn't like it at all. Tomorrow is the last day of their kali bichroklac homeopathic medicine.

1. Should I continue the propolis tincture? For such baby kittens?
2. What about the other one? Should I continue the antibiotics and eye drops? Now she also starts to lose hair, alopecia around her body.
3. Do you have any other suggestions?

Thank you for your time.

Yes, I would continue the antibiotics plus the propolis. BUT you should source a propolis tincture that is alcohol free. The alcohol will be very harsh on the eye.

Jun 13, 2017
Thanks for the response@
by: Julia

Thank you for responding, Angela!
I found some tiny Propolis "grains" and mix it into his food. Not his favorite, but I'm hoping consistent use will help him stay strong.

My very best to you - thank you for what you do,

Angela's comments:

My pleasure Julia. Keep us posted on how he is doing.

Jun 10, 2017
propolis for 18 yr old kitty w tooth issues?
by: Julia

Hi Angela,

We truly hope you can help!
Our 18 y/o cat has been of marvelous health up until last month when we noticed he would keep his mouth slightly open. In a few days, his tongue started sticking out. We took him to a vet who prescribed antibiotic, and he finished a 10 day course 2 weeks ago. He's gained back some weight through our efforts, but his tongue has not settled back and keeps hanging out. This comes with drool, which he's upset about. Because he has trouble with his dry food, I started blending wet food with chewy vitamins, aloe vera, coconut/olive oil, and sometimes even CatSure milk.

He has a healthy side and the unhealthy side. The unhealthy side is visible "taller" than the other, and is a darker black color. Which product do you recommend we try to help maintain our kitty's condition as much as we can without traumatic/ scary vet visits? We don't want the black gum spreading further and infecting other parts.

Thanks so much in advance,

Angela's Comments:

Hi Julia,
Very sorry to hear about your cat's health challenge. I would recommend trying Propolis with him. You could use a powder and mix it in the food you are preparing or use a liquid tincture that is alcohol free. We sell a popular one that is fruit flavored and used by many pet owners. I would use the dropper to squirt drops directly into the mouth.

Let me know if you have any further questions.

Feb 25, 2017
To Lynn (Feb 24 2017)
by: Anonymous

You should probably take her to a vet to get proper antibiotics for her upper respiratory infection. If it goes on long enough it can cause secondary symptoms such as pneumonia, which can be difficult to treat. Ear mites are not affected by antibiotics (its a mite not bacteria) and can be difficult to get rid of, she will probably need to (in the least) be put on revolution (a very reliable flea and heartworm prevention that can prevent ear mites if used with milbemite) that can only be purchased from a vet office. Serious problems should be addressed by a vet, not by alternative measures.

I hope she gets better soon!

Feb 24, 2017
Bee Propolis
by: Lynn

I have been giving my 5lb cat a 1/4 tsp of bee propolis via her ears, twice a day. The cat had ear mites but she also has symptoms of an upper respiratory infection. Am I doing the right thing, or should I be putting the bee propolis in her food? I am thinking that it is absorbed through the skin, and also makes it's way via her ear to her throat.

Angela's comments:

Hi Lynn. I recommend both, both in her food and topically or in the ear. Just be careful with the propolis you administer topically. If it is an alcohol base, this can be harsh on sensitive skin. Better to use a non-alcohol based tincture.

Nov 30, 2016
3 Cat Daily Treatment Question
by: MNN8TV

I would like to give this to my 3 cats daily to help keep them healthy. One has been sneezing lately. They seem to pass stuff back and forth. What is the best Bee Propolis brand to give and how much? Thank you.

I recommend the Dutchman's Gold brand or the Bee Pollen buzz brand.


Nov 20, 2016
Feline Oral Healtg
by: Anonymous

I have two cats and both have had oral surgery to extract infected teeth and to improve their gum health.. would adding propolis extract to their daily nutrition assist in the upkeep of their gum/teeth health?

Very likely yes it would.


Sep 08, 2016
sneezy kitten from pound
by: Anonymous

I just brought home a new kitten from the pound. He has watery eyes, sneezing a lot and snores. He is not eating very much either. Other than that he is very healthy. I am looking for a natural cure, no meds from the vet! What dosage should I give him. Do I put it in water or food, or direct in his mouth and where do I get it. Thanks

Give him 1 - 2 drops to start. Increase to 10 over a couple of weeks if tolerance is good.

Aug 13, 2016
Cat mouth infection
by: Daphne

Hello I'm looking for natural remedies for my cats mouth and discovered bee propolis and your page. He was diagnosed with bartonella and finished his antibiotics and pain meds several months ago and unfortunately I do not have the funds to take him back to be retested. His mouth was severely infested due to his swollen gums and the vet recommended a full extraction of all of his teeth once his antibiotics were done. At this point his mouth again is in pain and due to his bad breath I believe he has an infection. Until I can take him to the vet again, would it be safe to give him liquid bee propolis and if so how much? He is a 6 year old 9lb tabby.

Give him 1 - 2 drops to start. Increase to 10 over a couple of weeks if tolerance is good.


Jul 03, 2016
How much bee propolis and where do I get it
by: Sue

Hi! It's the holiday weekend, and the vet is closed, of course. My 15 pound cat has developed a UTI, I believe. She has a discharge, and I am thinking antibiotics would help, but no vet. Is it safe to buy bee propolis from Walgreen's and give it to her? If so, how much? Can bee propolis hurt her? I don't want to make her worse, just don't want her to suffer until Tuesday.

Jun 13, 2016
Where can I get Propolis
by: Mercedes

My cat has severely injured his skin due to scratching that is likely due to flea dermatitis. I would like to use it to treat and heal the wound which covers a substantial area on the back of his neck.

Currently he is being medicated with Simplicef to prevent infection. The have also prescribed a shot-term Prednisolone therapy. He is also taking a mild sedative to keep him quieted and not scratching the area as it heals.

Propolis sounds as though it would help with protecting the wound while it's healing. Your thoughts and recommendations on this would be appreciated. Are vets using this product in the US?


Apr 10, 2016
Can i give my cat Propolis extract for cat hemorrhoids?
by: Anonymous

I have a male kitten that is having cat hemorrhoids.When i went to pick him up and he drooped his tail blood was coming out of his anus.I tried looking for some home remedies online but i didn't find anything helpful. Then i saw a link that said i could give my cat propolis pills.But my stores don't have it in the pet section.And i wasn't going to spend big bucks at my vet.So i was wondering if i could give him propolis extract instead.If so what is the total amount you recommend i give to him?

Angela's Comments:

Yes, you can give your cat propolis. Give him our alcohol free Propolis Tincture 30 ml Acai flavor. Begin by giving him only 1-2 drops for the first couple of days and then gradually increase to 10 drops or more.

Find it here:

Mar 11, 2016
Propolis for superficial scratches on cats
by: Anonymous

Thank you Angela for the recommendation. I see that the product comes with acai flavor, I wonder if it's safe for my cat, or if there is a propolis tincture without it.


Yes, that is safe for your cat Julia.


Mar 09, 2016
Propolis for superficial scratches on cat?
by: Julia D.

Hi, my cat likes to hide in the bromeliads and comes out with superficial scratches, my mom suggested liquid propolis to prevent infection and help healing. Would it work? And what product.

Angela's Comments:

Yes, that would work well. Use our Super Premium Propolis tincture 30 ml.

Mar 09, 2016
Propolis for superficial scratches on cat?
by: Julia D.

Hi, my cat likes to hide in the bromeliads and comes out with superficial scratches, my mom suggested liquid propolis to prevent infection and help healing. Would it work? And what product.

Jan 12, 2015
Propolis with antirobe
by: Angela

Hi Mo,
I wish I could help but I just don't know how that drug interacts (if at all) with Propolis. If it is a relatively safe drug then I suspect Propolis would be fine but you might want to run it by your vet first.

Bee healthy,

Jan 12, 2015
Cat flea dermatitis
by: Angela

Hi KC,
I would recommend the Beeswax Body Cream for your cat. It it a heavier cream so it will stay on his skin well and is safe if he licks it.

Bee healthy,

Jan 11, 2015
cat flea dermatitis
by: KC


I have an adult cat that is about 14 lbs. and he has flea dermatitis. When he gets just one flea bite, he starts to scratch and bite his skin which causes skin sores and hair lost. I am looking for something natural to use on his skin.
Which topical BeePollenBuzz product is safe to use on my cat's skin, knowing that he may lick these areas after being applied? Will this product heal his rash as well?

Dec 21, 2014
Propolis with antirobe
by: Mo

Hi. My cat has severe gingivitis /calici. She is 75mg of antirobe daily. Is it safe to mix the two. And what quantity should I give.

Thank you

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Is propolis safe to use on cats topically?

by Kate
(South Africa)

My cat keeps getting into fights and is full of bites and sores. Is it safe to put propolis drops or wax on the bites?

Angela's Comments:

Yes it is. Propolis is very effective topically.


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Propolis dosage and duration for cats?

I have a household of kitties - 5 in all. One of which is quite elderly and has recently suffered an ulcer in his mouth. I have treated him with antibiotics as reccommended by the vet and have given him coloidal silver periodically and some vitamin C to help with the healing. My other 4 cats live seperatly from him, but they run the risk of the occasional sneeze and watery eye. One of them is FIV positive, so I want to give them and especially him the best defence to ward off illness. I have recently come accross the information on bee propolis and was interested in the dosage and how long to give to a cat that has the cat cold. I currently give them 250mg of L-Lysine daily and increase it to 500mg if there are signs of cat cold. Just curious if all things "Bee" can help, if it's something administered daily for maintenance, or just in times of need, and how much to give.
Thanks so much for your help,


Hi Susan,
Yes, you certainly can give cats propolis. I would recommend either the water based tincture or the powder/capsules (open the capsules and dump the powder into their food) As for the tincture, 1/4 dropper full should be sufficient and for the capsules, a quarter capsule is plenty to start with.

Hope that helps with your furry friends!


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Dec 03, 2019
Kittens with Ringworm
by: Jeni

I have a few kittens with ringworm. They have done a series of oral meds and lime sulfur baths 2x week for the past 6 weeks. They hate the baths so much. Can I put propolis on the lesion spots instead? If so, which product at what dosage? And should they be given propolis orally as well? I feel like I'm killing the spirit of these kittens with all these meds. I'm just looking for something easier for them.

Oct 17, 2017
immunity system
by: Hana

how many drops do you recommend to be used for daily basis to increase my cats immune
system? Can I use it for my pregnant cat?
thank you.

Hi Hana,
It is generally recommended to take 3 - 5 drops per day.

Oct 11, 2017
amuna system
by: Hana

I have two cats 19 month old, the male gets sick easily and the female doesn't gain weight. I use vitamins but with no improvement. Do you recommend Propolis on daily basis to boost their immune systems, thank you.

Hi Hana,
Yes, you certainly could try an alcohol free propolis tincture for several weeks to boost your cats immunity. Propolis is well established as an immune booster.

Dec 28, 2015
Is it safe.....?
by: Marie

I have one kitty who is FIV +. She is approx. 10 - 12 yrs. old (She was a stray when she found me). In Aug. 2012 she was diagnosed w/ a nasal tumor. Prior to diagnosis she kept having a bloody nose and the bridge of her nose would fluctuate between swelling and subsiding. She has been on multiple rounds of various antibiotics, for both fungal or bacterial infection. (Trying to eliminate all possibilities). I had her sinuses flushed and tissue samples taken. She is currently taking 10 mg of Padilla 3x/wk, along w 5 mg. Methamozole 3x/day and Prednasolone every other day. He nose has started to swell again. It is currently draining though an open wound. I would like to try the natural antibiotic, bee propolis. What is your opinion? She weighs 6.6 lbs. Her appetite is good( I feed her wet Blue Buffalo anytime she wants). Her stools are good and she is active and still plays with toys. Your opinion, please.

Oct 23, 2015
What do i do?
by: Anonymous

Hi,I'm eleven years old and i was giving some Propolis extract to my kitten for worms and i accidentally put more than a drop of it into her mouth and she's acting ravenous so i washed it down with water but i'm still worried.What do i do?

Angela's comments:

If she doesn't settle down, I would take her to a vet. Propolis is very well tolerated, even by animals so she is likely ok.

Aug 18, 2015
How many times should I give my kitty propolis extract?
by: Anonymous

Hi I'm eleven years old and I have a four month old kitten with abscess how many times per day do I have to give his the propolis extract?

Try twice a day.


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Bee Propolis for Pregnant Cats

by Wendy
(Twin Falls, ID)

Is bee propolis safe for pregnant cats?

I have a pregnant cat that is also suffering from several small partially healed wounds and abscesses on her hip that she got from scratches as a result of mating. We want to treat the injuries with bee propolis, both internally and on the exterior of the wounds. Is it safe for her gestating babies?

We ordered the alcohol tincture before we knew she was pregnant. If it is safe to use, how much should we give her as an oral antibiotic, and how many drops are right for the external application?

Angela's Comments:

I'd certainly be cautious using the alcohol based tincture with a pregnant cat. You might want to consider using a water based product instead.

I just don't know how the alcohol will affect the babies as I don't have much experience using propolis in cats, let alone pregnant cats. Always better to error on the side of caution.

Bee healthy,

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Mar 22, 2022
Cat on prednisone
by: Sandy

I have a 17.5 year old cat that has lymphoma, kidney failure, and teeth issues. Needless to say, I am saddened. However, I want to prolong his life as long as possible, but with as best of a quality of life he can have. I read about the benefits of green propolis for potential cancer fighting affects, as well as fighting bacterial infections and increasing appetite. He is on prednisone right now and I want to take him off of it and replace that with the green propolis. With the differences in green propolis versus other propolis, can cats have green propolis as well.

Angela's Comments:


Oct 26, 2017
by: Anonymous

The instructions on the bottle says to mix the propolis with honey. Can i use it straight in my cats food and if so how many drops to start off with?

Angela's comments:

Yes you can. Begin with one drop to ensure tolerance. Increase up to 3 drops per day if your cat tolerates it well. Always inform your vet of the supplments that you are giving your animal.

Aug 27, 2015
Bee propolis for possible infection
by: Anonymous

I feed a few feral cats on my property. One showed up this morning with quite a limp. It doesn't look broke so I figure an infection due to a fight. I'm unable to get near him let alone capture him. Would bee propolis be a decent alternative treatment for such a wound to give in food, and how much for how long would be recommended? Thank you so much.

Angela's Comments:

Yes it would. 50 - 100 mg of an opened capsule would be sufficient for 1 - 2 weeks.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

Disclaimer: The information on Bee is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Angela Ysseldyk and her community. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified heath care professional.

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