bee propolis possible expiration

by jennifer brace

hello there,

i was wondering if bee propolis can expire??

Hi Jennifer,
It can yes. What do you have - raw chunks, tincture, powder or capsules?


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Sep 13, 2019
Bee pollen capsules
by: Anonymous

Recently found bee pollen capsules unopened expired January. Are they still good?

Aug 24, 2019
Expired propolis serum
by: Anonymous

I bought a propolis serum (it's skin power 10 formula) online, I found dat thr labelled expiry date was 2018. Is it still safe to use?


Really hard to say as I don't know the ingredients or the storage conditions. Check for signs of mold or spoilage.

Jan 23, 2019
Propolis pills
by: Anonymous

Hi my mom recently found a jar of propolis pills is it ok to consume it has been 20 days past the expiration date.

Very likely yes, it is fine.

Sep 09, 2018
Fresh frozen propolis
by: Jasmine

Hey there! I was just wondering how long chunks of fresh propolis stay good in the freezer?

Thank you!!
~jasmine =)

Several years...:)


May 31, 2018
propolis liquid extract
by: Anonymous

Hi. I’ve just recently found a bee propolis in a shelf unopened but it expired 1 year ago. The propolis is alcohol free but has propylene glycol solutions. Is it still safe to consume? Thank you

Likely not worth the risk.


Feb 08, 2016
How long it takes for liquid pure propolis to go bad
by: Oltea

Hello, my mom passed a few weeks ago and we found a bottle of pure propolis, in liquid form, un opened...
I was wondering if it is still usable, the exp date on the bottle is 2008
Thank you, Oltea

Angela's comments:

Hi Oltea,
If it is in an alcohol base, it is likely still good to use.

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Tinctures of propolis - expiry?

by Deanna

I just found your website and would like to know what is the average shelf life of tincture of propolis? Does it every "go bad"? I've read that it has natural antioxidant and antimicrobial properties but wonder if it still can be contaminated over time by bacteria. How long will it remain safe to use?

Angela's Comments:

Hi Deanna,
You are correct in that propolis is loaded with natural antioxidants and will self preserve so to speak. An alcohol based tincture will last several years as the alcohol helps preserve it further. We recommend our water based tinctures to be used within two years for maximum freshness.

Hope that helps,

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Oct 12, 2022
Use of Propolis Liquid that is Alcohol free
by: Anonymous

Hi I have a Propolis liquid that is Alcohol free and has an expiration date of June 2022. I opened and consumed some of it in May... So not sure if it is safe to consume.

Angela's comments:

Generally, 6 months paste the best before date is more than fine.

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Propolis tincture expiration?

by Doug

I understand that dry forms of propolis would lose potency after a year, but I'm wondering if tincture forms would ever really expire. The ethanol solution they're in is very stable, of course.

Does anyone have a suggestion or reference regarding this?

Of course the bottles list expirations. They always do. But it's a well known fact that many medicines essentially never lose potency even though they have expirations listed.

Angela's comments:

Hi Doug,
You are correct. In an ethanol base, the tincture will last for years.


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Propolis powder use after expiration date

How long does propolis powder last after expiration date?

Angela's Comments:

It really depends on a number of factors. Was it stored in a cool, dry place? And also was the bottle opened? Propolis is very high in anti-oxidants so it should last well past the stated best before date if kept dry and cool. If the bottle is unopened, this also should help extend the best before date.

Are there any signs of rancidity or spoilage? If not, you just might be ok to consume it.

Bee healthy,

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Propolis expiration

by Anna
(Princeton NJ)

hi, I have a chunk of raw propolis that I got from my dad (who was a bee keeper) over 7 years ago. It's been kept in the fridge all this time. Does it still have any power?

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Jan 20, 2015
Is My Propolis Chunk Expired?
by: Angela

Hi Anna,
Difficult to say for sure but possibly. Propolis has very high levels of anti-oxidants in it which may have preserved the product. The issue with leaving something in the fridge for seven years is mold, which you'll want to examine the propolis for very carefully.

Bee healthy,

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Is my propolis expired?

by Larry

I have a propolis paste for 20 years.
It has been kept at room temperature.
It smells the same as the day I purchased it.
Is it still good to use on the skin?
Is it useful in the treatment of shingles?

Angela's Comments:

Hard to say Larry but I would err on the side of caution and say no.

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Mar 14, 2024
Propolis use
by: Josette

I have a small bottle of propolis extract (sunshine nutrition)
20% pure propolis bioactive dietary supplement other ingredients is water ethanol food grade and can be consumed 10 drops twice a day,but expired from 2022 . Can I used from something else than internal.
Thank you

Jul 07, 2021
bee propolis
by: lina

my bee propolis expired since 12/2020, is it good to use after 7 months 7/7/2021

Likely yes, provided its stored properly.


Sep 20, 2020
Popolis tincture
by: Sarah King

Hi I have bees and I made on owe first batch of propolis tincture. It’s With a high grain alcohol As the solvent. After soaking for a month or two in the alcohol, I strained and bottled. My question is that about a month after that the liquid in the small bottles had some sediment and was almost a little jelly like. Does this mean it spoiled? For can strain the liquid again?

Jul 01, 2020
Propolis Liquid extract
by: Moon

Unopened bottle of Propolis Liquid extract (300mg/ml propolis), alcohol free, multipurpose liquid 25ml -- Use By date: Mar 2019. Found inside dark deep shelf, unopened. I studied all your comments. Not preserved in alcohol. Save to consume? thanks lots

Jul 12, 2019
Propolis in the pantry
by: Dylan

Hi! Great website.

I have two small jars of raw propolis that have been in my pantry for a year or two. I want to make oil and tincture out of them but am worried that it might be bad. How would I know if my propolis has gone bad? What do I look for?

Thanks in advance,

Angela's comments:

They are likely fine Dylan, propolis has some many naturally occuring antioxidants that it acts to self preserve itself. You'd want to look for signs of spoilage - mold is the most common one. Again, propolis is very anti fungal so it likely has maintained its freshness well.

Apr 21, 2019
Would love some advise please :)
by: Anonymous

Hi. I have been given Propolis capsules a while ago and have forgotten I had them. It’s Extra strength ( PFL 30).. the bottle has been opened. And has been stored in a cool dry place. The Best Before date is 23.09.2016. There’s no smell or sighns of degradation. Would it still be ok to take them or is it was too late ?

Dec 23, 2018
My Bio guard Brazilian Green Propolis
by: Kelly


I bought the Bio Guard Brazilian Green Propolis, Achohol free, with no expiration date both on the bottle and package. I have kept it for about 3 years after opening it. Please is it still safe to consume?

Angela's Comments:

Hard to say for sure as I don't know that brand but it is likely ok to use provided it has been stored well - propolis is a natural antioxidant and preservative. Test one small drop on your hand.

May 23, 2017
Brazillian Green Propolis (Liquid form)
by: Mey


Good Day.

I have one Eu Yan Sang's Brazillian Green Propolis - Liquid form. The bottle says it expired in January 2015. Is it still good to use? Only consumed few times.

Pls advise.


Angela's comments:

Likely yes as propolis is extremely high in antioxidants, which prevent rancidity. Taste a tiny drop and examine for spoilage.

Mar 07, 2017
Propolis 1000 cenovis
by: Kelly


I have propolis dry extract in capsules. The bottle says it expired in April 2016. Is it still good to use?

Hi Kelly,
Likely yes. Most supplements will last past their expiry date, which is actually a best before date. It likely won't be full potency meaning it won't be full strength but it won't harm you.

Oct 31, 2015
Freezing Raw Propolis... what's the shelf life?
by: Mark


First, thank you for providing such an informative website; truly exceptional. So, here's the question: how long will raw propolis last if you keep it in your freezer? I've heard this is the best to do, however, I would like a second ( and better) opinion; thus I ask here. Does freezing damage it at all? I only ask as it will determine how much Raw propolis I get now vs later.

Thank you Kindly !!

Angela's comments:

Yes, you can freeze propolis and it will last for years when frozen. Freezing does not damage it at all.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

Disclaimer: The information on Bee is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Angela Ysseldyk and her community. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified heath care professional.

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