by Liz
Hi! Is my royal jelly still good? I unfroze it about 4.5 months ago and it has been all this time in the fridge (Royal Jelly has been refrigerated for about 4 months), the color and consistency is the same as when I first opened it. It tastes a little bitter/sour as when I first tried, but is not as strong. Is it still good to eat? It does not smell bad or has mold/signs of decay...
I want to increase my egg quality. If I cannot longer eat it, what else can I do with it? It would be a shame to throw it away.
Thanks for your feedback :)
Angela's comments:
Very difficult to say Liz, without testing it in a lab. It the product is not moldy or shows no signs of spoilage, you might consider testing out a very small amount for several days. It may have lost some potency, which is safe to consume.