How to take propolis
by Tiago Leitão
(Brazil, South America)
First of all, congratulations for your web site. It´s really hard to get good info about propolis. I´m glad I found someone with a long experience with the product.
See, I´m taking propolis for some months now and I came to some doubts.
I use propolis tinctures and I dilute then first into water before drinking. I thought that squirting then directly in my mouth would just stuck then in my throat and my system wouldn't really absorb it. Is this just a wrong idea I had?
Besides, can you say if it´s better to take propolis with an empty or a full estomach? Right now I take it right after waking up, before eating anything. Sometimes I feel (but I´m not sure) that it irritates my stomach. On the other hand, maybe if I take it after eating I wouldnt have a good absorption.
As you see, I have some newbie questions, but I would appreciate very much if you could help me about them.
Angela's Comments:
You are correct in squirting your bee propolis directly into your mouth and swallowing. This is in fact how I recommend people take propolis tinctures.
It really does not matter when you take propolis. You can take it virtually any time of day and still experience the effects of this amazing compound. I take propolis usually first thing in the morning and often right before bed. And it really does not matter much if you take it on an empty or full stomach but if you want to be ultra careful and maximize absorption, taking it on an empty stomach is probably best.
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