How much bee pollen to take for anemia?
by Jane
I have been taking 1 heaped teaspoon a day on an empty stomach to help alleviate my anemia because iron supplements do not agree with me. It has not helped my energy levels much, so am wondering if I am taking enough pollen granules? Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you.
Angela's comments:
Hi Jane,
If you are dealing with anemia, I don't recommend relying solely on bee pollen to treat it. I know exactly what you mean by iron supplements causing stomach issues. This is due to the type of iron in most iron products. I have been fortunate to find a solution for this in a natural iron product that does not bother the gut at all. It is called IronSmart and has a wonderful caramel flavor. I'd recommend you use it to get your anemia under control and then use bee pollen to maintain.
You can read about it here:
Hope that helps and please let me know if you have any other questions.
Bee healthy,