by Andrea
I was getting allergy injections about 2 times a week then i decided to try bee pollen to save money. I started slow ( i just got it last night), i did the testing and can only take about 2 kernels at a time. So then i was wondering do i only take my bee pollen once a day or spread it out through out the day? And when to up it? I was thinking of doing mine in week increments. Any suggestions? How long does bee pollen stay good for in the fridge?
Thank you.
Angela's Comments:
It is up to you - you can take bee pollen as many times a day as you'd like. Only up your dose once you feel absolutely no symptoms of allergy to the granules. So no itchy throat or watery eyes. Bee pollen will stay good for up to a year in the fridge.
Bee healthy ~ Angela