How long can you keep bee pollen granules in the refrigerator?

by Kim
(Oregon City, OR)

How long can you keep bee pollen granules in the refrigerator before they go bad or lose their potency?

Hi Kim,
We recommend keeping them in the freezer over the fridge. In the freezer they will last indefinitely.


Comments for How long can you keep bee pollen granules in the refrigerator?

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Jul 23, 2016
How long can i keep bee pllen in the freg
by: Bea

how old can bee pollen before you stop taking it

Aug 05, 2014
Bee Pollen
by: Shawnee

Hello. I just found a small plastic bag of bee pollen in my fiance's cabinet. I don't know how old it is and has not been refrigerated. I hate to waste such a valuable product, but am not sure what to do with it at this point. Any help is much appreciated! Thank you.

Angela's comments:

Examine it and smell for any signs of rancidity. If there are none, try a couple of granules and see how it tastes. If it was kept dry it may be ok to consume. Otherwise, dispose of it.

Jun 03, 2013
why the question isnt answered
by: Anonymous

thank you for the great info on this site, however, we understand bee pollen will keep forever in the freezer, BUT what if we have kept it in the fridge?? how long will it last in the fridge? thanks !

3 - 6 months is recommended in the fridge for optimal freshness but up to a year can be done.


Mar 27, 2013
What about fridge?
by: Ellen

I wish I had found this site sooner - great info! I've been keeping mine in the fridge. Do you have any estimate of how long they will last that way? (Going into freezer from now on.)

Hi Ellen,
Bee pollen will last several years if kept in the freezer. Glad you are enjoying the site!

bee healthy,

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Disclaimer: The information on Bee is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Angela Ysseldyk and her community. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified heath care professional.

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