Had a stroke. Will bee pollen help me recover?

by ED

being a user of bee pollen for over 30 years with what I consider amazing results, I became a victim of a stroke due to an irregular heartbeat. I have been a marathon runner in the past and up to the time of my stroke, an exercise enthusiast, swimming, bike riding and doing a 3 mile walk 5-7 days a week. I am 75 years old and trying my best to get back to myself after the stroke paralized my entire left side of my body. Is there any benifits using bee products to help in my recovery. I still take bee pollen capsules every morning. Thank you for considering my question.

Angela's Response:

Hello Ed! Thank you for contacting me. Wow, what an inspiration you are to me! I would certainly think that bee pollen would help you in your recovery due to its high levels of amino acids (for muscle repair and brain function) as well as its high levels of other nutrients. Good nutrition is ONLY going to help you recover - it won't hinder you. So I'd say yes, eat as healthy as you possible can and experiment with several tablespoons of bee pollen per day to see if this doesn't help bring back some of your vitality. Unfortunately, I don't have any experience working with stroke victims using bee pollen so I can't offer you any more advice from that standpoint.

Please let me know your progress.

Bee healthy ~ Angela

Comments for Had a stroke. Will bee pollen help me recover?

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Jul 14, 2015
Stroke victim
by: Peter

I had a stroke, blood clot caused, in February 2015.

Entire left side paralyzed. I take some Royal Yelly, a big spoon full of your pollen and some propolis daily. Does it help? I dont know. I'm recovering well, I can walk, my head is clear. I am 75, live in Brampton just going through a drivers test assessment, looks good so far.

Angela's comments:

Hi Peter,
Great to hear about your recovery so far. While there is no specific research on bee pollen, propolis and royal jelly in stroke victims and recovery, it has been my experience that those that eat and consume a high anti-oxidant, high nutrient diet (like the one you'd be consuming with pollen, propolis and royal jelly) not only recover faster, but have lower chances of a second stroke. I would also recommend that you consider consuming raw, unpasteurized honey on a daily basis. Studies have shown that those who consume raw honey daily have a lower rate of all cause mortality.

Best of luck and be sure to share your health progress with us!


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Disclaimer: The information on Bee Buzz.com is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Angela Ysseldyk and her community. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified heath care professional.

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