Feline Leukemia postive 2 year old male with URI----need dosage of Bee Propolis
by Carole
I have a 2 year old Manx male cat diagnosed FeLV positive. I purchased Bee Propolis 0.5ml, but, it contains alcohol. I give him L-lysine twice daily with his wet food to build up his immune system. He has a URI, has lost 4 upper front teeth and is breathing like his little nose is stopped up and sneezing occasionally. He weighs between 7-8 lbs. How much and how often should I give him the Bee Propolis. AND, what is the easiest way to administer it to him. I really do need a quick answer. Thanks in advance for a prompt response.
Animal studies indicate a dose of about 0.05 grams per lb so this would suggest a dose of about 400 mg for a 7 - 8 lb cat.