by Sharp EGAN
(Newborough, VIC, AUSTRALIA)
Hi, I am new to the honey harvesting. I was with a friend getting firewood when we came across a heap of honey comb. The question is i took alot of this honey comb home and did research as to how to filter it and get the honey out. The method i used was to Squeeze the honey comb by hand into a bucket. I then strained the honey from the bucket into a bowl using 2 sheets of fine mesh. Once that process was done i then got a nylon stocking and did a last filter into a jar. HOWEVER MY PROBLEM IS that My honey is very dark colour and there is particals inside the honey little black specs. I just want to know if its still safe to eat. Some of the honey comb was old and didn't contain any honey in them at all, and the honey comb was all dark burnt color. few pieces when caps sealed if split in half the honey would string between the 2 halfs and was very golden which i thought was good. Anyway can anyone here help? I cant get the dirt partials out not that this bothers me but i just want to be sure if its safe to eat. I have attached a photo of what the honey comb looked like.