Enough Amino Acids in Bee Pollen?

by Teri

Do you feel that the amount of amino acids in bee pollen in say 2 tbsp for example is sufficient? I am thinking about trying it however I have been adding a liquid amino acid supplement to my smoothie. If I choose to try it and can work up to that amount, would I still need to add the supplement?

OH! I also read with a lot of interest about the ear candles and vertigo. Have you really heard of any successes?

Angela's Response:

Great question Teri. Amino acid requirements are largely individual and based on things like lean body mass, activity levels and metabolism. Regardless of these factors, the amino acids in 2 tablespoons is not a sufficient dose for optimum health if that is your only source of amino's in a day. My guess would be that you are ingesting other sources of protein (amino acids) and not relying solely on bee pollen. But perhaps you can clarify that for me and I can expand further.

Ultimately, to maintain lean tissue (muscle) and to provide the necessary amino acids for optimal brain health, I recommend at least 0.25 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day. There is roughly 2 grams of protein per teaspoon of bee pollen so taking only 2 tablespoons per day would come up quite short in meeting this daily requirement. But, you may not need to add the liquid amino supplement if you're daily nutrition is high enough in protein sources. If you're diet is lacking in protein, continue adding the liquid amino supplement to your smoothie.

We have had many successes using ear candles for vertigo. While it is not a 100% success rate, we often see nice improvements in symptoms with proper use. Before using ear candles, make sure you've had your doctor rule out an inner ear infection.

Comments for Enough Amino Acids in Bee Pollen?

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Jun 25, 2010
Glad to hear we are in sync!
by: Anonymous

Yes I am taking a wonderful product called stabelized flax seed. I found it actually for my horses and I purchased to the human variety and the k-9 variety too. I feel a wonderful difference in my digestive system with that. And yes I have added a berry mix even tho I add fruit to my smoothies you just can't get it all in at once LOL, not the brand you mentioned, but I will write those down to research. Thank you.
Also while I was on the Sun Warriors site I read about the barley and have also purchased that. I just received my bee pollen and will be ordering the Royal Bee Jelly as soon as I confirm no allergies.
Update on my vertigo, I am see my doctor on Monday and if nothing is found I will try your ear candles when I order the Royal Jelly.
Thank you, Thank you for your support and advice. I feel like I am on the right tract. And I will let you know how it's going after about a month. Finally I feel there is hope!
Think I'm gonna have to order some of the cream too!

Jun 22, 2010
Amino acids
by: Teri

Hi Angela! Thank you for responding. Yes I do take Protein Powder. In fact I have just ordered the SunWarrior Vegan Protein powder as I have read great reviews. In addition to that I had been adding Twinlab's Amino Fuel. I'm exhausted mentally and physically. Hopefully it is caused by the fact that I have been laid up for 4 years do to a back problem. this is why I have started again with the health smoothies. I've been reading and re-reading trying to get everything into them to help. I have added fresh spinach and Super Green Food too.

This is why I was asking about the amino acids.
If you still think this is not enough I would really appreciate your help. I will be adding royal jelly once I know I am not allergic to pollen.

Angela's Response:

Hi Teri. Great to hear that you're taking a protein powder. I am familiar with the SunWarrior brand and that is an excellent addition to your smoothies. By adding the Amino Force to your smoothies you will be obtaining a solid amount of amino acids. Now, if you are suffering from exhaustion, I would suggest you take more than one serving a day of the protein/amino blend. Protein/amino's are excellent for rebuilding the body and producing energy. Great idea adding the green powder to the smoothie - some things to consider adding would be an Omega Fatty acid oil blend and a Berry Mix like Phytoberry or Berry Energy. This will turn your smoothies into super shakes filled with nutrition and life energy!

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Disclaimer: The information on Bee Buzz.com is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Angela Ysseldyk and her community. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified heath care professional.

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