Ear Candling and Tinnitus

by Ed Levins
(Boca Raton Fl. U.S.)

How can ear candling relieve ringing in the ear(Tinnitus) and what is the procedure for doing this. I am sure that it is not a cure, but if I can get any relief, I would appreciate it. I have been a user of bee pollen capsules for over 30 years, and recently bee pollen granules.

Thank you.

Ed Levins

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May 05, 2013
Ear Candling and Tinnitus Relief.
by: Anonymous

Hi Ed,

I have been thinking about ear candling for the same reason you describe. But I notice the Tinnitus condition is lately getting worse. I have'nt seen an MD for yrs... but how does Bee Pollen help with Tinnitis? And did you have candling done? By the way I live in Coconut Creek, Fl.

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