Comments for Does pure royal jelly expire or go bad if refrigerated?

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Feb 25, 2024
Fresh royal jelly
by: Anonymous

Hi, I left ,y fresh royal jelly outside of the fridge for 11 hours, it wasn’t frozen. I forgot to put it back by error. Will is still be good

Mar 02, 2017
What I can do with expired Royal jelly?
by: Anonymous

I have expired Royal jelly in refrigerator for months. Since it is not edible, what can I do with it instead of tossing away? Please advise.

Angela's comments:

The only option is to compost it.

Mar 23, 2016
Royal jelly soft gels
by: Tracy

I have royal jelly 500 MG softgels that I took trying to get pregnant about 3 yrs ago. Exp says 10/15. They were left in a cabinet to the right but over the stove and are brown now. There is no smell or foul taste but the color change has me wondering of they are any good.

Angela's comments:

Its impossible to know without opening one and having it tested but in this case Tracy I'd say they are likely not suitable for use.

Mar 07, 2016
Expired royal jelly
by: Joshua

So i have a royal jelly container that says it expired 7/15. Its 3/16 now. I should've used it daily it cost a good amount. It doesn't smell bad and taste the same so does it actually expire? You can use honey for its healing properties too. I just hate to toss out what is about half my investment.

Angela's Comments:

It is fresh royal jelly Josh? If it has been frozen, it is likely still ok. If it has only been refrigerated, then it is likely well past its date.

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