Can my 18 mo take propolis?

Hi, sorry if this has been answered somewhere but my son has had chronic ear infections and the ENT is now talking about giving him tubes and removing his adenoids. My husbands mother gave them propolis when they were young and it helped greatly. We would like to try this with our son to see if it will clear up the ears before we go back to the ENT as surgery on my young son is very scary. I know he couldn't have honey until he was 12mo but wasn't sure if he is old enough to have propolis and how much to give. Thanks!


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Feb 05, 2015
Thanks for the advice
by: Ashleigh G

Thank you for the information I did not know about the flavored propolis so will look into that :)

Feb 04, 2015
Propolis for 18 mo
by: Angela

Hi Ashleigh,
Propolis is well tolerated and we see the fewest amount of allergic reactions to it over bee pollen and royal jelly. I have given my two year old propolis successfully, as have many of our customers. If you do decide to give your 18 mo propolis, start out with very, very tiny amounts and only increase if there appears to be no allergic reaction. The best product for kids is a fruit flavored propolis that is only 18% propolis. It tastes great and isn't overly strong so there is less risk using it. You can get it at


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