Bee pollen and stained teeth?

by Steve

i ordered and received the bee pollen. Thank you.

After about week or 10 days- i noticed i had teeth stains- it only showed where the teeth have receded.

it could have been the pomegranate or blueberries that i have eaten during the same time. i have stopped eating them both.

I called the other day inquiring about bee pollen and teeth stains. i was told bee pollen does not create teeth stains.

I just wanted a 2nd opinion/ thoughts?


Hi Steve,
Yes, I would agree. We really have not come across stained teeth from bee pollen. We do see if once in a while with propolis but I suppose it is possible. Sorry I can't be of more assistance.


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May 21, 2024
Teeth stains
by: Anonymous

My mother had the same complaint after consuming the honey i bought her which was infused with bee pollen. She said she didnt seen to have issues with honey on its own but her teeth and toothbrush became yellow with this honey and pollen blend

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