by Rachel E.
On this page:
You list folic acid. I think folic acid is a synthetic form, so I would expect to see folate listed instead of folic acid.
2. Have you heard of the term "bee bread"?
3. Do you know of a list of the nutrients with specific amounts of the various nutrients? (or, at least a range of the nutrients one might expect)? For example, I'd like to know how much biotin, folate and selenium.
Thank you
Rachel Ernst
Angela's Comments:
I have heard of the term bee bread. Here is some more information on it.
Bee bread or bee pollen-sam1 is the main source of food for most honey bees and their larvae, consisting of honey and pollens which are gathered by the worker bees.
Like honey and propolis, other well-known honey bee products, the exact chemical composition of pollen gathered depends on which plants the worker bees are gathering the pollen from, and can vary from hour to hour, day to day, week to week, colony to colony, even in the same apiary, and no two samples of bee bread will be exactly identical. Accordingly, chemical and nutritional analyses of bee bread apply only to the specific samples being tested, and cannot be extrapolated to samples gathered in other places or other times.